Grey Knight Justicar Thrawn

I finished up everyones favorite 40k Highlander Justicar ThrawnThe ruined helmet is supposed to be his,the first death of the evening

Grey Knights Grand Master Mordrak and Friends

I kitbashed this model to represent Grand Master Mordrak.Mordrak is a cool character because he is protected by the ghostly apparitions of his old squad.I modeled three of them and painted them a metallic black with ghostly Green Aegis.I discovered a new way to paint...

Grey Knights Inquisitor Lord Cortez

Still plugging away at the Knights,this time I decided to start working on the Inquisitors.I have always loved this model another of the all-time sculpts.Nothing fancy followed the box art for the most part except I used red for the  =][=Next up will be Soloman...

Grey Knights Librarian

I was going to use the guy from last post with the book as a Librarian.But when looking at the codex there was a cool pic with the Termie Librarian painted as a Knight.So I bought one yesterday and made subtle conversions to make him knightly.I added a Stormbolter...

Emperor’s Gift

After reading ADB's Grey Knight masterpiece,I felt compelled to work on a few Grey Knights looselybased off the book.Here are a Librarian,Techmarine,and Nemisis KnightI used Alclad 2 to get that Holy Shine to the Armor