Infinity Table

I've been working a lot on terrain so that when my life changes forever in July, I have everything ready to just jump into a game.  here's much of the terrain I've made over the last few weeks for Infinitydon't worry Ed, I have a box full of crates and other...

Damn Dirty Scots

I have a confession to make.  I've seen Braveheart a lot.  At least half a dozen times, and all in the theater.  It's not my fault really.  The first time I went with a friend, but it was a packed theater and the stranger who sat on the other side...


because really, how can I not make use of such a titlehere are some shots of my space wolves That last guy is a work in progress, a one handed space wolf space marine inspired by Campbell from Braveheart. I really enjoyed painting, and using the Thunderwolves, and am...