Underslung Bolt Pistols

Underslung Bolt Pistols

As I said with the Crozius Arcanum tutorial, I always try to make each and every one of my weapons individual and different from everyone elses. I understand by showing you all how I make them kind of defeats that, but that's why I'm here. Today's tutorial is no...
Morkai Pattern Crozius Arcanum

Morkai Pattern Crozius Arcanum

When it comes to our wolf Priests, unless you get hold of Ulrik The Slayer and have him as a counts as bog standard Wolf Priest, or make your own Priest and chop Ulriks weapon off to use, your not going to have a very Space Wolf looking Crozius. I personally find that...
Magnetizing your minis

Magnetizing your minis

New Wolf Lord here with my second tutorial. It’s been a while since I put up my Wulfen conversion in the conversion link above, and after reading Noams post about potential writers, I thought I’d start a few for the site.I decided to kick it off with a simple...