Catching up with the munitorum tape measure

It's been quiet on my Blog for some time now. My last post is from just over two months ago when I went away on Holiday. No updates whatsoever for two months but I did get some projects done. I have been extremely busy with painting, setting up a 40k...

Rules in 6th we forget…

Precision Shot anyone?It's been almost a month now that we have been playing 6th edition. Most of us have got a few games under their belt and where we were looking up rules a lot in the beginning we are now getting comfortable with them and games run much...

Ork Weirdboy Showcase

My favourite HQ choice at the moment is a weirdboy or better a Warp'ead. I like the unpredictable nature of this character and although I have taken unlucky wound from time to time or killed some of my own boyz when using it's psychic powers I still think the Warp'ead...

Big Mek Showcase

Just a quick post showing off the Big Mek with KFF I recently finished. I used this model a lot in 5th edition but I just never go round to painting it up. He's been fielded in his chaos black undercoat for over a year but now he can strut his stuff with pride on the...

Bruno Grelier Tribute

Yesterday is was put to my attention that Bruno Grelier had passed away last week. Sad news! Bruno was an enormously talented miniature painter. If you are not familiar with his work you can have a look at the links in this post. Fortunately for us Bruno has a lot of...