by WQRobb | Aug 2, 2014
Yesterday I said something along the lines of "hey, I need to get back to painting miniatures." What I really meant to say was "hey, I've got a bunch of partially painted miniatures I've been working on that should be done soon."I love the Wargames Factor Shock...
by WQRobb | Aug 1, 2014
When you're running three different blogs you tend to leave one of them ignored in favor of the others. While this one lay fallow for a month, lots of things were happening on other blogs that could, if I wanted, have ended up here.For example, I painted up a...
by WQRobb | Jun 14, 2014
Sort of a funny story about these guys. They were given to me by the guy running the Mass Effect RPG for my gaming group. So I don't know who made them or really what they are supposed to be (I think Salarians) and I don't know why some had textured bases...
by WQRobb | May 24, 2014
So, I'm trying to get back into painting again. In order to inspire me, I'm doing the "Paint Table Saturday" from Sofie's Paint Blog. And, here you go....I put the base texture on a bunch of Eldar I have lying around, because, well, because. And I...
by WQRobb | May 10, 2014
I spent the morning at Bill's house casting up miniatures for my "Not Quite Seven Years War" army. Not a bad lot, but I still need a color scheme.