The beginning of the Death Guard

So as I wait for a couple of things that I ordered online (which I will be revealing soon), I decided to start on the plastic and lead pile in my basement.  Specifically, I have started the Death Guard starter army from the "Know No Fear" box set.My first unit is...

Games Workshop comes to town

I suppose it is surprising that Games Workshop never bothered to open a store in my hometown, but with the dedicating gaming store having gone out of business last year, and one of the comic book/gaming stores closing this year, I guess they saw a void that could be...

What happened

It's not like I didn't do ANYTHING during that time...So, like sixteen, seventeen months with no posts on this blog.What happened?  Got separated.  Moved out of my house.  Got divorced.  Got primary custody of the my kids.  Purchased my old...

The 2016 recap

I managed over the Christmas vacation among the various movie marathons I had with my kids, to get this little fellow painted up.A plague rat from my giant pile of Reaper Bones.  He's delightfully gross in appearance, and brings my grand and likely final total...

Thanksgiving Desert: a Hellhound!

Not a wargaming piece, per se, but I did manage to get this Hellhound painted up over the Thanksgiving Day holiday as well.  Thank you for reading!