Pics from KantCon

KantCon is a RPG-oriented gaming convention in Kansas City, but there is a guy who has been running scenarios there based on the old miniatures game from the movie Aliens.   I had a chance to play and take some pics. It's a quick little game, very easy to...

The first sprue of ACW Confederates

Hey, I got twenty more ACW Rebels (1/72 Imex plastics) painted up.  I'm working on bases, and may use some 30mm by 60mm bases I have lying around for Hordes of the Things, since that's pretty close and I don't want to go out and buy new ones.So, onto the next...

June Wrap Up

I have to say that, despite leaving town for a week, June turned out to be a pretty productive month on the hobby side of things.  I managed to get 19 points worth of painting done, although I'll freely admit that part of that is the occasionally-controversial...

The First ACW Confederates

As I mentioned in my last post Bill over at Wargaming from an Armchair proposed this "let's both build an ACW army" project with the idea of using the "Hearts of Tin" rules from Battle Game of the Month.  However Ross from BGotM has been revising those rules,...

VSF Command Car Finished

Not a huge change, just a quick tidy-up in terms of a paint job.  Actually I repainted the entire thing, mostly looking to get a clean, even coat.  So, this one's done, and now I'm moving onto another phase of the project, namely painting up some figures for...