Battle for Vedros Space Marines finished

I managed to get the last two figures from the Battle for Vedros set of Space Marines painted up in the colors of the Brazen Claws.  The first is the real oddball of the group, the terminator sergeant. (Click on the pics to enlarge)Seriously, outside of this...

Impulse buying, wargaming edition

As I mentioned on my RPG blog, recently I went on a bit of a spending bender and picked up quite a few things (often used).  On a single trip to Half Price Books last week I managed to snag the following:Field of Glory got a lot of good reviews when it came out,...

Brother Chamberlain, Brazen Claws Dread

In the Battle for Vedros box set there's a multi-melta dreadnought who doesn't have a multi-melta in the rules.  For shooting, there's only a storm bolter, which is on the other power fist.  But in any case, I was ready to paint this guy up.  I...

Some Ork Boyz get finished

I told my son he could paint his own Ork warband for the Battle for Vedros, but I've got plenty of orks lying around that I can paint myself.  I'll leave most for my son, but I did find these four guys in the basement who were half painted.  So I got them...

The return of the Brazen Claws

Recently I bought the "Battle for Vedros" box set, which included both an Ork and Space Marine army.  After kicking around painting the small warband a host of different chapter schemes, I decided the smart play would be to just paint them like all my other Space...