Empire handgunners

In addition to painting up my dwarfs, I'm also trying to get my old Warhammer Empire army painted up so a friend can use it (and maybe me from time to time).  So, four more handgunners finished.  Lousy photo, but I can't seem to shoot a better one tonight.

The Vikings Return!

It's been a long time since I did any wargaming, much less SAGA, so I jumped at the chance when a friend asked if I would be willing to show him the ropes.  He's hosted some other wargames at his home, so this time we met at my place so my Vikings could set up...

First game of Kings of War

Well I've been talking about Mantic's Kings of War for a while, and finally this last weekend got my first game in: my dwarfs versus John's Empire.The original set up.  I just want to say that I've done a lot of the painting for the Empire side too...So short...

90,000 Page Hits

I hit a weird benchmark today: 90,000 page hits to this website.  Since it'll take me the better part of a year to hit 100,000 I thought I would just give myself a little "woohoo" today.Thanks for reading!  Now where are my next dwarfs...

Rounding out two units

So in order get up to KoW unit size standards, I need to add a handful of guys to my dwarf riflemen and rangers.  So a few GW plastic Thunderers and some old school Rangers later, and we are one step closer to my fully painted army.