Actually Collecting an Army

It has been, well, a very long time since I put the time in on collecting an actual army, despite what the blog's title says.  But with Kings of War, I'm ready to give it another shot.I am going to stand on the shoulders of giants, or in this case dwarfs, though,...

Dwarf Rangers

I'm continuing to work on getting my dwarf Kings of War army painted, using mostly, if not entirely, Warhammer Fantasy dwarf miniatures I already own.  A while ago (like seven or eight years) I bought a bunch of "Oldhammer" dwarf minis from a junk bin at a FLGS,...

Mordheim beastman

I was going through an old pin of unpainted and partially-painted miniatures when I stumbled across this beastman from the old Mordheim line, only primed and with a little paint on it.  I just decided to give this guy a break and get him painted up.  He...

Adding to the dwarf army

It's been a while since I've painted dwarfs but I'm trying to build up an army for Kings of War. These guys had a rough, pitted layer of black primer which didn't make painted too terrible, but it really caused the Minwax wood stain to really cling to the surfaces...

Someone Else’s Nightmares

Since Warhammer Fantasy Battles has turned into a huge hash, a lot of people have found comfort in Mantic's Kings of War, and I'm one of them.  So is a friend of mine, and he's trying to build up a KoW army using the new "Nightmares" list, which is sort of their...