6MMRPC Week 16

Well, the bad news is, I only got one figure completed.The good news is, it was a figure that is for a friend of mine to use in the RPG I run.Damien, Hellborn Wizard from the Reaper Bones line.

6MMRPC Week 15

Back to the Reaper Bones miniatures pile, painting up three goblins to roughly match the Pathfinder goblins I did a while back.  Nothing fancy, just some serviceable mooks for any fantasy game.

6MMRPC Week 14

So I missed last week entirely (my shame knows no bounds), but I did manage a few more Warhammer Empire fellows this week, in this case spearmen.Now the sad part is, in all the mountain of lead and plastic, I can't find their shields! What a bother. 

6MMRPC Week 12

Last week I started a unit I hadn't touched in years, now this weekI finished the unit of Empire Knights.I think they turned out well.  Finishing a unit means I get another Joker too!

6MMRPC Week 11

Originally I had planned on working on my D&D Chainmail minis, but as time has gone by I've changed gears and tried to work on the many projects I have started but never finished. That way I'm not unboxing things and can really appreciate the headway I am...