Blood Bowl table (for any team)

Blood Bowl table (for any team)

This was one of the latest commissions. I love to make BB tables. Every player has its view of a personal touch. This order was made to make it more of a pitch for everyone's team. Hope you enjoy.
Non metallic metal armor in three steps

Non metallic metal armor in three steps

Welcome back,Here's a tutorial about having armor in non-metallic metal in a few steps. At first NMM (non metallic metal) looks difficult, but I can assure you that with a little practice it goes fast and easy. NMM has the advantage to follow the highlights as you did...
Cardgame Wolf Pack

Cardgame Wolf Pack

Adobe Indesign is a great program to make flyers, banners, pages, ... Way back in 2010, Thibo was developing a cardgame just for fun based on the "Battle of the Atlantic", which inspired me to create the following tri-fold pocket leaflet and cards.Dépliant et cartes...
The Black Spot

The Black Spot

To celebrate the 30.000 views, we had a little game of Alkemy. A good opportunity to try out those fantasy pirates from Confrontation and Tale of War. The scenario is based around "Treasure Island", where Blind Pew has to pass on the Black Spot to a designated enemy...