Desert ruins

This little project for Confrontation was done using the desert tabletops from our catalog. Some extra ruined scenery was made to add game possibilities.

Dark cliffs

This was a commission for a Dark Elf themed game table with a watch tower and a Khaine temple.       The fun about this project was the idea to include a sea monster that haunted the coast and lived in his underwater den right below the tower.


A commission for a Finnish hostel made for WWII scenario.


Busy updating the CT-Scenery website... not so much the lay-out but the gallery and projects pages can really use an update.In the mean while, for those of you who haven't seen or heard of the Badslag scenery (Thibo realized on commission about 3 years ago) here are...

With a little help…

... from my friend: Pipette the Lovebird!  Choosing the right brush on the right time !