
"We're not lost, Private... we're in Normandy."Richard Winters  

Stavelot (Batlle of the Bulge)

Before we came to live in the Ardennes, Thibo and I were working on Stavelot scenery. At that time, we went to visit several places related to the Battle of the Bulge. Stavelot was one of our favorite. We took many pictures there and had a great time. The following...

Mars Terraform Station

After X-Tine's reading and talking about the book Red Mars, I was inspired to create a personal version of a Mars terraform station for Infinity. The monorail was a nice add as miniatures are transported very fast over the complex. Hope you enjoy.   


 "Separate rooms, I'll arrange that by tomorrow, but today I can't fix it, unless you kill a guest."  E.B. Farnum