Starting Corsairs

Seeing as I am utterly in love with the arrogant Corsair imagery and I 'need' a new Warhammer project I've decided to start up a Corsair force. For this army I am going to focus a lot on the modelling and painting, trying to improve my skills and also choosing units...

Jolly Toys Outing Overview

So, it seems I have not actually written a review of the event. Well, this must be rectified.....The day began well as everything was very well organised, in fact it was incredibly well organised throughout, well done OGC. I have put up a report of my first game...

Jolly Toys Outing Round 1 Review

Firstly, I didn't do incredibly well overall in the tournament, 2 wins and 3 losses; all the losses on the first day too. I faced Dark Eldar after my Grey Knight opponent which left me in last place (no chance against Dark Eldar) then to face an Eldrad army in...

Jolly Toys Beginning

Hi all,I am currently sitting in Bugmans Bar after my first game against a Draigo-wing Paladin list which I just barely lost to. I would have won 20 - 5 (max points) if his damn Paladins had not made so many invuln saves, even one more failed would have turned it. As...

Doom of Mymeara

To my delight I received The Doom of Mymeara on Christmas Day! Suffice to say that I have read it over several times and have become hooked on the idea of fielding a Corsair army; whether this involves an overhaul of my old Saim-Hann or a completely new force is yet...