I know Im scottish but this bill is absurd and I fully support the strike today for all my American friends and my internet freedom. Join the cause, stop the bill.


One of my favourite parts about warhammer is making up rules and special scenarios. Hense the other day my friend and I spent a good several hours inventing and perfecting a crazy survival styled warhammer mission. It is incredibly fun to create and tweak the rules...

Jolly Toys Outing 2012 Tournament

I am delighted to announce that on the 18th and 19th of February I will be gleefully playing at the Jolly Toys Outing's first ever tournament in Warhammer World Nottingham! This event looks set to be a great time and being styled around Nova it will be a good change...

Local Tournament with Tau

So my Tau have had the first every games in a local 600 point tournament. I arrived with my Tyranids and very limited Tau and rolled to see which to take as my Tyranids would steam roll to local players (it was my School League list) or my fun Tau. It turned out the...

Drone Invasion

Continuing my Tau army is proving to be much more fun than expected seeing as I loved painting over 15 drones this last week. Thanks to the lovely advice from the folks at both Advanced Tau Tactica and The Tyranid Hive I have decided upon, not only a colour scheme,...