Tyranid Prime: Tactical Musings

One of the recent experiments I have been investigating in my Tyranid army is the inclusion of a Tyranid Prime. I made the model out of a desire to make something awesome out of a spare warrior but now having used 'Peter Prime' in the field, he may become more than a...

Dreadfleet… Why oh why?….

What has everyone in the Warhammer community been crying out for? Games Workshop thinks it is another special edition board game based on the high seas of Warhammer fantasy. Anyone else thinking the same thing? No, didn't think so......Why does Games Workshop decide...

Hobby Update

Hey everyone,The last few months have been fairly productive for my hobby with me finishing off my two main armies and making them completely tabletop ready and starting a few new little projects. Here are the main models: Finally finished my second Fire Prism.I...

Sawfish Conversion: Wing Decision

So I have started work on my own version of the fan-invented 'Sawfish'. Based on a Piranha, I am just making up how to make it as I go along. But now I have become stuck on a vital decision; the wings.I am split between mounting the wings on the front of the vehicle...

Contentious Rules: Grey Knight Force Weapons

One thing we all love is a good contentious and confusing rule and the Grey Knight codex if full of them. While listening to the 11th Company podcast I heard a discussion about this following rule which they concluded to an end I disagree with. This is a rather...