Looking at the 40K Warzone Tournament Surveys Part 2

I've been sitting on the 40K Warzone Tournament surveys for a couple of weeks now and I've done a lot of introspection. Most of my decisions are kind of "no brainer's" based on my instinctive reactions to the surveys, but I'm the type who likes to think things through...

Wreck-Age Pack Dog

I haven't had the time to finish Part 2 of the 40K Warzone Tournament article, but I have used the 15 minutes I've had here or there to finish this Wreck-Age Pack Dog. This is my third. I have to say I really enjoy how quickly they paint up. This one is 3 sandy shades...

Looking at the Adepticon 40K Warzone Surveys Part 1

This year at Adepticon I endeavored to try something a bit different. I ran something I dubbed the 40K Warzone Tournament. The ultimate goal was for all 32 players to fight across 4 very different “Warzones”. Each game was intended to be fought across a different...

Staker Outrider

I just finished this Staker Scout for Wreck-Age. It was nice to paint yesterday without any Adepticon deadlines looming over me. I've been working on a few articles about Adepticon and I collected all the info from the 40K Warzone Tournament after-survey. Expect all...

My Favorite Adepticon Momement

This pic is of my Angels of Absolution looking across a hallway at an Ultramarines Terminator Squad that had just come into view. A bloody firefight ensued with more and more units being pulled into the frey. I was so excited to play in this event on Brian Niro's...