by xNickBaranx | Aug 22, 2012
This is just a quick update to show a slight variation in my process. Currently I'm cranking away on my second Wardens Bike. I had a partially completed base (painted a year or so ago) that I elected to apply Static Grass, Grass Tufts, Broom Bristle, and Clump Foliage...
by xNickBaranx | Aug 17, 2012
Citadel Paints aren't just good for painting models, they have nice vivid colors good for painting, I don't know... Art for your girlfriend? This took me 2-3 hours.Today is my girlfriend Lisa's birthday. We are partners, we've lived together for a couple years, and we...
by xNickBaranx | Aug 14, 2012
Angels of Absolution Warden (Ravenwing) BikerFor those who have just discovered this blog, I am not really a tournament player. I've been working on my Angels of Absolution for 18 years now and my success at tournaments dwindles with each passing year as the culture...
by xNickBaranx | Jul 30, 2012
I'd like to go back in time to February/March 2007, shortly before the 4th Edition Codex: Dark Angels came out. During those cold winter months that were just about to transition into spring there was a leaked version of the Codex. It was a pre-print copy, already...
by xNickBaranx | Jul 24, 2012
A couple of weeks ago a friend of ours issued a hobby challenge. It was put to us that we should commit to painting one or more of our hobby projects by the end of August. Those more ambitious than I committed to painting things like a unit of 48 High Elves, an entire...