by xNickBaranx | Feb 17, 2014
Concept art by Sam AlcarezI put out a call for artists on Facebook and on this blog and a bunch of friends directed me to artist friends of theirs which I genuinely appreciate. One of those leads has already sent over 5 sketches. Sam Alcarez has taken the ball and run...
by xNickBaranx | Feb 12, 2014
Breaker Concept Sketch by Oliver Zavala. A lot of people viewed the Artist Wanted Ad a few days ago and I got some responses. For those who might be interested but don't want to commit to anything, I created an initial "design brief" so that you can scribble something...
by xNickBaranx | Feb 10, 2014
I'm looking for up-and-coming and established artists willing to help me get my miniature board game off the ground. I need people willing to work with me to flesh out concept sketches to base miniature sculpts off of and I need finished character art, box art, and a...
by xNickBaranx | Feb 6, 2014
Last week I made the decision to give Broken Contract its own space. This has its pro's and con's. I wanted it to have its own dedicated space so that as I go into Beta Testing there is a place where people can find it. I also wanted it to have chapter headers so that...
by xNickBaranx | Jan 27, 2014
On Tuesday February 11th I'll be running a Zombicide Game Night at Next Dimension Games using Guillotine Games Zombicide Gaming Night Kit #1: Cars, Food, or Guns. On the 11th all you need to do is show up and play, no experience necessary (its a very simple game). The...