Wraithguard bonanza: taking 40 wraithguard to a tournament!?

This past weekend I went to a 2500 point tournament with a list that featured 40 Wraithguard (because I didn't have 50 or 60 to play with). This post will cover the army I brought, why Wraithguard, and the battle reports of my games.First off, tournament play in...

Happy Thanksgiving!

While I've been incredibly busy with law school and neglecting the blog a bit, (finals are coming up just around the corner), I want to take a moment to say happy thanksgiving to everyone! Life has its ups and downs, its busy seasons and times when you just...

Eldar unit overview/analysis (Fast Attack)

With a brief lull in my crazy law school schedule, I continue with my Eldar unit overview/analysis... I now discuss our Fast Attack options and their roll in an Eldar army.The roll of Fast Attack:Historically, "fast attack" options in any army have usually been...

Eldar unit overview/analysis (Troops)

Continuing with my Eldar unit analysis and overview I now move onto the Troops section of Codex: Eldar.Our codex was made in 4th when scoring units were not a priority. Two editions later, Eldar are faced with the challenge of winning games with sub-par Troops but...

A "change" of pace…CSM: Thousand Sons revisited

While Eldar are my main army and I really enjoy playing them, Thousand Sons have always been a fun army for me and I've had quite a few wins under my belt with them from the 3.5 dex. Unsurprisingly, my interest in them dropped off when the previous codex ruined CSM...