New FAQs and Eldar:

The new FAQs for both the main rulebook and the Eldar came out recently. This post will cover those changes in regards to how they relate to Eldar and what this means for the Eldar looking forward.Good job GW!Before I start, I want to say thanks to GW who actually...

Nova Coverage!

Just giving a shout out to everyone to go to here for some good Nova coverage. The 11th  company is doing interviews, live coverage and other awesome stories on the event so check it out!

Random post: Good deals and an Eldar showcase

Sometimes it's just nice to post what's on your mind, or to share some things you found that are pretty cool and this is one of those posts. I found a blog that has some REALLY nicely painted Eldar models that I wanted to share with you guys along with a really sweet...

Think Tank: The present state of the Eldar codex…

I am starting a new editorial of sorts where I speak my mind candidly about Eldar, the state of the game and all things 40k. This post will talk about Eldar and their way of war according to the fluff and how their codex doesn't match up in its current state.The...

Eldar Unit Overview/Analysis (Elites)

Previously, I reviewed our Eldar HQ choices and next up are the Eldar Elite options. In this post I will cover all five of our choices.Our codex gives us 5 choices for our Elites slots: Harlequins, Fire Dragons, Striking Scorpions, Howling Banshees and Wraithguard but...