Transitioning from 5th to 6th

Now that I survived my first semester in law school and have a bit more time I wanted to talk about Eldar, 5th edition and potential 6th edition changes. Change is always difficult and uncertain, even for Tzeench but luckily we are Eldar and we have Farseers and...

Taking Eldar to a GT… But what list?

As the title says,  I am taking my Eldar to a 1500 point 40k GT in San Diego. It's run by Dave Faye and has some of the best players in CA going so it should be a great challenge. For me, the biggest challenge might be on what army list to bring...So given the...


So we like 40k. We have hopes and dreams for what 6th edition will be like. Based on some of the rumors, if 40k 6th is anything like fantasy 8th, we are in for a lot of shattered hopes and dreams (I think)...Today's meta game...What do you guys want to see in 40k? I...

I’m still alive!

I just want to let everyone who frequent's this blog know that I am still alive and kicking, still very much involved with Eldar and 40k in general. Right now I am studying for law school finals but after that you should be able to expect some more...

The power of prayer, 1850 tournament battle report:

So I took that Eldar list I posted to a recent tournament and did pretty well with it, no thanks to some good dice and my praying wife =).Incase anyone forgot, the list I took was the following (and note in the pictures below, the Ork Killa-Kans are actually my EML/BL...