

I've always liked the concept of a Tau Crisis suit army but never quite liked the aesthetic of the Tau Crisis Suit. I have, however, always loved the aesthetics of the Gundam Zaku II suit and decided to try and either convert the current Tau suit to look like a Zaku...
Yriel’s updated Tyranid Fandex…Now also in PDF format!

Yriel’s updated Tyranid Fandex…Now also in PDF format!

This post has an updated version of my Tyranid Fandex now available in a PDF format! Take a look and give me any further feedback. Also, going over some old pictures on my phone, I have a TON of battle reports to write up for you guys, including my Feast of Blades...
Tyranids, what could or should have been: My Tyranid Fandex

Tyranids, what could or should have been: My Tyranid Fandex

So I've expressed my dismay and disappointment with the recent Tyranid Codex but now I'd like to express the way I think the codex should or could have been written to be a solid, fun and better army. Feel free to check it out and let me know what you guys think!...
Tyranids…Why you so fail?

Tyranids…Why you so fail?

The Tyranids are out and the gaming community is quite polarized in terms of it either being total utter garbage or thinking that "it isn't so bad." Well, having played Tyranids competitively since before the year 2000, back when 2nd edition was transitioning into...
Mail Call: Thousand Sons and Eldar army questions!

Mail Call: Thousand Sons and Eldar army questions!

Merry Christmas and a happy new year to everyone! Today, since I have some free time, I decided to answer some user submitted questions regarding Thousand Sons/CSM and Eldar. I always try to answer emails and questions whenever I can but I think that posting and...