Want a Warbringer Maximus MKII Titan w/ weapons?

 I recently won a Warbringer Maximus MKII Titan with Voltron Cannons and am offering it up for sale...Details after the break!So yeah, one of my prizes in the Golden Throne GT was the Warbringer Maximus MKII Titan w/ Voltron Cannons which I am told...

A fellow Blogger to check out:

One neat thing about going to a big GT is meeting lotsa cool new people and seeing awesome armies. This year at the Golden Throne GT I met a Michael Tangney who had a really cool Eldar army so I wanted to point anyone who hasn't already checked out his blog towards...

Golden Throne GT battle reports part 3:

This is my 3rd and final part of my Golden Throne GT battle reports. This one has my final game against Reece Robbins and his Space Marines of dooooom!As a general recap, anyone interested in my previous 4 games or tournament overview, can go here.My list:2000...

Golden Throne GT battle reports part 2:

This is part 2 of my Golden Throne GT tournament battle reports. This post will cover my 5th game against a very good Tau player/army.As a general recap, anyone interested in my previous 4 games or tournament overview, can go here.My list:2000 points...

Golden Throne GT battle reports part 1:

The Golden Throne GT was a great and fun event and I'll definitely try to make it out again next year and I recommend everyone else go if they can! With that said, these next few posts will cover my games in the event along with my thought process going into and...