by Yriel | Aug 5, 2013
Well, that was a crazy weekend...Car broke down on the way up to the GT and I got a speeding ticket, doh! But all of that aside, I made it to lovely Pleasanton and had some really great fun at this years Golden Throne GT and this post will give a general overview of...
by Yriel | Jul 30, 2013
With only a few more days to go, I have finally settled on my list for the Golden Throne GT and am getting the finishing touches painted up on my army...With that said, this post will cover my list and what I think the armies to beat will be. Feel free to drop a line...
by Yriel | Jul 28, 2013
I recently played in an 1850 Feast of Blades qualifier event for the Feast of Blades invitational tournament which I hope to be able to go to in October. Below the break you'll see the list I took, how it did and my thoughts on the list and Eldar with Tau allies.The...
by Yriel | Jul 24, 2013
I took a scaled down version of my Golden Throne GT army list to a local RT to see how it would do against various opponents/armies and was pleasantly surprised with how amazing Eldar with Tau allies can be. This post will cover battle reports of my 3 games.The list I...
by Yriel | Jul 12, 2013
This post is mainly a shout-out to help publicize the Golden Throne GT coming to Pleasanton CA August 2-4 (it's in northern CA). The communication, terrain and perhaps even prize support this year seems like quite an improvement over previous years and perhaps even...