On Display: Inquisitor Ashe

 40k Ashe is bad ass. Some upcoming projects...Clearing out my 40k backlog o_OBoth of these next ones will be up for sale after they are done!If you want to keep up to date with my projects you can follow me on Instagram or Facebook and have more real time...

WIP: 40K Overwatch Ashe?

 Yeah. This has to happen ;)Close up of her ugly mug :PThis is gonna go like shit through a goose so keep up!Converting rifle... (Wish I had a Tau rifle on hand for this but who the F plays or builds Tau?!)Base coats...NMM process...Done! What?! Sorry. I didn't...

On Display: Kawaii Cat Plane

Suck it Kiki! This cat has his own ride :PInquisitor Ashe will be up next ;)Thanks for stopping by, drop a comment below and remember; you can't spell paint without a little pain :)

WIP: Cat Plane

Just quick little cat plane for the kiddo...Pilot...Swatching army painter quick shades...Plane based and decaled...A little distraction from the postman... (great artist go check her out #lyfeillustrations)Where was I? Oh yeah, weathering and done :PPretty pics next...

On Display: Space Marine Adventures (For the NOVA Open Charities)

 This fully painted game will be available from the NOCF raffles this year!More pics then? I hope who ever wins them enjoys the hell out of them. They were  blast to paint up!Thanks for looking, let me know what you think and rmember; you can't spell...