WIP Lost Patrol Build

Trying to paint this for the NOVA Open Charities to raffle off this year! You should think about buying tickets now so you have funds to help out the charity this summer ;)Bugs:Lunch:Some roughage to keep it healthy:Lolz. They are so dead.Next post: Preshading all...

WIP: First Strike Build

With the test marines done it is time build the set!Primaris:Deathguard & Pox Walkers:The whole set:The primaris next to the pox walker be like: The F now?! WAIT! These are white scars o_O WTF is with that crew cut?!Whew! Now they are ready for priming.Next...

WIP: Future Projects!

Lost Patrol and first strike!Cheap plants from the pet store!Also priming some other quick side projects for when I need a break...Crappy busts for quick bust painting practice!OOH! And I got one of the minis from the dwarve mini exchange! Now he can join his friend...

On Display: Shadespire Skellys!

These guys were fun! Enjoy the pics...CMONDeviantArtP&PFor sale here!Next Post: Future projects!Throw me some votes, let me know what you think and remember; you can't spell paint without a little pain :)

WIP: Shadespire Weathering & Details

These are the skellys with all their metals done. Then it was just a matter of weathering the crap out of them!!First up various shading and washes and inks...Next metal weathering.Then powders. WEAR. A. MASK. and cobwebs with UHU.I think we'll stop here and show you...