WIP: Shadespire Sepulchral Guard

I don't play Shadespire, but these skeletons were too cool to pass up!Priming and preshading first! Palette for colors and weathering...I always mix the preshade colors in for the highs and lows to get nice color unity throughout.Bone first.Leather.Wood.Cloth and...

On Display: Death Guard Test Mini

Totally broke off his mace when I removed him from the cork -_- Ah well only a test mini! On to the putrid pics then yeah?Mr. Zab, I'm ready for my close up. Baaaaarf !o_O Next Post? Not sure. I did pick up a box of Shadespire skellys as they looked fun to...

WIP: Death Guard Test Mini: Base & Weathering

Metal and bronze sketched in real quick...Then the base.And some weathering.Verdict: I hate it BUT it still did what I wanted. I wanted him to be the opposite of the shiny White Scar and he is - just not in the way I expected. He's too busy and there is too much...

WIP: Death Guard Test Mini: Sketching

Working from the wet palette again and so this will go fast!Sketched in armour.Sketched in leather.Sketched in black and flesh.Next Post: Metals, base and weathering.Thanks for looking, leave me some comments and remember; you can't spell paint without a little pain ;)

On Display: MLP Daemon Steed of Khorne

Didn't mean to finish it but I did and forgot to take pics. You know how it is when you have fun and get stuck in the zone!Friendship really is magic.Next Post: Deathguard test mini sketching begins.Thanks for indulging me, let me know what your think, and remember;...