WIP: Dogs of War Board Game

This one was super fun the whole way through! Each bust had a dominant color and I used the card art for the first one and then the rest where done in a mono chrome of the dominant color. Lets see...Color PaletteCard Art VersionMonochrome Versions using only the...

RIP: Doom Kitty

Keep my chair warm buddy, I'll be there as soon as I can.

On Display: D& D Adventurers

These were super fun! Let's have a looky loo...Super proud of the smol face!So what do you think? Gonna try it out? Links to montages:DAP&PCMONLet me know in the comments below and remember; you can't spell paint without a little pain :)

WIP: Limited Palettes

These were painted over 3 days with a limited palette in less than 4 hours each.Palette for the Knight: Key words were - greed, sickness and envy. Internet gave me these colors...I would have killed for some red -_- Matched as best as I could from my...

On Display: Stormclaw 40K Boxed Set

Done. Table top standard. More pics below... Montages on these sites:CMONP&PDAFor sale on eBay.Thanks for looking, let me know what you think and remember; you can't spell paint without a little pain :)