by Zenos | Apr 3, 2011
Been a slight while since an update. Rather busy with work. But here are a few work in progress shots on some GK that are being completed. The Grey Knights fascinate me as an old school gamer, they were never my ultimate style of unit, prefering more the SM type, but...
by Zenos | Mar 23, 2011
As previously discussed here is my mock ups for my Chapter Master so far and also my "Lamentor". The Chapter Master is taken directly from IA 9. Although I have chosen him to be representative of a general Chapter Master or Captain figure for my force. (His name is...
by Zenos | Mar 17, 2011
The Lamenters have always had to recruit from a variety of worlds, unlike their Blood Angel founders the chapter has for all of its history been a fleet based one. Although this has allowed greater flexibility in the ability to recruit from worlds, the chances of...
by Zenos | Mar 12, 2011
Name; Inquisitor Taipan. Ordo Hereticus Junior Legate. Rank; Inquisitor Ordinate. Junior Legate formerly attached to Lord Inquisitor Falina As the mystery of the Lamenters unfolded, one man led the investigations. Little did he know where it would lead him would be to...
by Zenos | Mar 9, 2011
Dear reader, What follows is an interpretation of the events leading up to the foundation of the Lamenters. I have deliberately kept as close to the accepted canon as possible as recorded in the Codex and the earlier versions of Warhammer 40k. You will find the works...