Captain Herophilos Konstantin

Name; Captain Herophilos Konstantin Rank; Captain 5th Company. Lamenters. Protector of the Iconostasis, Master of the Parastas. The 5th Company of the Lamenters has had a distinguished history and it's latest Captain is filled with pride to be given such a chance to...

Scout Squad Victor

Name; Scout Squad Victor. 10th Company. Lamenters Chapter. Organizational; Led by Scout Sgt Victor Nazeni In 922.M41 when the penitent Crusade was launched the Lamenters were operating at less than 1/3 operational capacity. With limited resources and even fewer...

Calix Primus Soutenir

Name; Calix Primus Soutenir Rank; Calix Primus. Head of the Lamenters Apothecarium. First Among Equals. The Keeper of the Past. Soutenir fell at Malvolion along with most of his chapter, however for the Calix Primus... the leader of the Sanguinary Priesthood of the...

Chaplain Anastasius

 Name; Chaplain Anastasius Fero Rank; Chaplain. Attached to 7th Company until 888.41M Reassigned 5th Company until 999.M41 Anastasius is an emotional marine for a Chaplain. Unlike most Space marine Chaplains he is not a stern foreboding character who watches his...

Once more into the breach…

Minor update as I am unsure if I will get a chance to update later this week. Normally I am busy working on typically fluffy posts about something but here is a teaser of my assualt squad for the 5th Company and a few shots of something that really needed to be...