Lamenters Armory

The Lamenters as a fleet based Chapter have always suffered a lack of Heavy Fighting Vehicles, items like Land Raiders and Baal Predators are particularly rare to find as part of their offensive arsenal. With the start of the Badab War however this changed...

The Lamentor Planning Stage and Execution.

When I first started 40k... back in the day, my favorite figure of all time was the High Warlock Figure from the Old Harlequin Range. This guy here.... My Favorite RT era Figure. Unfortunately he no longer graces the fields of battle as a High Warlock, but he remains...

Adeptus Arbites Prefecture and Malvolion PDF

Native and Civilian Forces of Malvolion Circa 995.M41 to 998.M41 Commanding Officer; Adeptus Arbites Judge Executus 1st Class. Hugo Klavin When the Lamenters reached Malvolion the world was already doomed. As the brethren started to descend in their drop pods to give...

The Kralos Incursion 955.M41 Lamenters History

Please note; This is pure Non Canon Fluff and the pics associated are mine. I have incorporated some 40k elements. As I have been reading and playing 40k now for... well too long. Also I have honored my fellow Lamenter Brother Aventine, who has been an inspiration to...

Squad Miksa Tactical Marine Squad

Lamenters Tactical Squad “Miksa” Circa 995 to 999 M41. 3rd Squad 5th Company Squad Sergeant Miksa Squad Symbol; Black Lightning bolt on a Blood Orange Field. Symbol dates from the founding engagement of the 5th Company just after it came to full strength in M36. The...