Necron Wash Comparison

Click to Enlarge.All three are primed black and then basecoated with an Army Painter Chainmail spray.  [more]The Warrior on the left has been washed with GW Badab Black. The one on the right has been washed with P3 Armour Wash.Can you tell the difference? Me...

Forgeworld Horus Heresy Launch with Screen Caps

The first Horus Heresy book from Forgeworld is coming out in a few weeks. Here is a link to the video teaser and following that are some screen captures (after the jump). All content in these screencaps are the property of Games Workshop. [read more]Horus Heresy 1...

Multiplying Necron Scarabs

Inspired by Dark Future and From The Warp (and his second attempt), I decided to start on the scarabs for my Necron force. This was an easy and fun project.I want to state at the onset that I do not believe in counterfeiting or recasting for profit. I am still using...

Anger of the (Finecast) Necrons

UPDATE: GW Customer Service, as usual, took good care of me and this situation. Finecast still sucks, though. So here I am at step one of my attempt to field 1850-2000 points of Necrons, fully painted to TT, within 3 weeks. First up are my first 32 warriors, 5...

Wargamma Tortured Lands Bases

When I went to Adepticon in April, I met a nice vendor who was selling some interesting sculpts. I thought they were very well done, but what caught my eye were his Tortured Lands bases. I basically bought his entire stock.Wargamma Tortured Lands BasesI was going to...