Organizing your work area, pro-level

Are these enough Skavven for AoS?Happy New Year, everyone! ZeroNyne here. Yes, I've been pretty much off this blog for about 9 months. Real life is hectic, and as is natural sometimes, the blog started to fall away. But no longer will this site be neglected! The goal...

Adepticon 2015: Photostream

Craftworld Burgundy Well, another Adepticon has come and gone. Each year, it gets harder and harder to carve out the time, but this one was special. I attended Thursday and Friday. I will have separate reviews of the some of the games I played, but for now,here...

Harlequin Solitaire On Deck!

EnlargeUp to 7D6" movement ignoring all terrain with ten attacks? Wow.I am really looking forward tothis supplemental codex release. It's been an expensive two months for me, as I collect Grey Knights, Necrons, Blood Angels, and Dark Eldar. I've always loved Harlies,...

Corsec Magnet Applicator

Once in a while, I will stumble across a product that solves a minor chronic problem so elegantly that I can't figure out why I hadn't looked for it before. These are not wholly innovative gadgets; rather, they are things that have existed, but I just had no idea...
REVIEW: Novus Design Studio Buildings

REVIEW: Novus Design Studio Buildings

Like Nagash, I'm returning this week after a long (six month) absence. Hello, readers, sorry for abandoning you. I'll have a separate post for why I've been out of the blogosphere, but today, let's talk about buildings. Particularly, buildings from a little known...