Scale Diagram of Almost Every Space Conveyance Ever.

Scale Diagram of Almost Every Space Conveyance Ever.

Click to EnlargeThis awesome chart, from Deviant Artist DirkLoechel, actually includes a ton of Battlefleet Gothic Ships. I love stuff like this, and he did a great job. A few closeups:Click to EnlargeClick to EnlargeClick here to see the entire chart. The dedication...
Mantic Typhus Zombies, Part 1

Mantic Typhus Zombies, Part 1

At the last Adepticon, I noticed a deal at the Mantic booth. They were selling a box of 30 Zombies from their Kings of War game and 3 boxes of 10 Marines from Warpath in a bundle. This was an obvious kit to create cultist zombies for the Chaos Space Marine codex that...

My DIY 40k Board is Ready

This isn't my DIY table, although this could be a metaphor for my carpentry skills.Whew! July went by without a post. I apologize for that, but real life is sometimes insistent on taking priority over 40k and blogging. And it's got to be some unwritten rule that...