Chapterhouse and Wargamma Defense Walls / Aegis Counts As

I saw this morning on Apocalypse 40k that  Chapterhouse, on the heels of the relatively advantageous (to them) court decision has initiated a Kickstarter for army-specific defense walls. It's a clever idea for those who don't relish aquilas on their Eldar, Tau,...

DIY Dark Eldar Webway Portal, step by (short) step

Remember these little guys?These little demispheres were in stock for a few seconds on the GW site. They are selling for FORTY USD DOLLARS on Ebay. I'm all for convenience, but that's simply ridiculous.So I looked around on the web for scratchbuilt solutions. There...

FW: Tau Manta U.S. Fire Sale???

So I was perusing the 2013 Forgeworld print catalogue when I noticed a something:Anything seem off to you?I flipped to the Manta and just pined. I love this model. It would easily fit in any manga/anime universe, and it's easy to see why the Imperium would fear and...

Eldar Pegasus Scratchbuild

Andy Hicks has posted a step by step of an amazing Eldar scratchbuild. It's the Pegasus super heavy.It's enormous.   Check it out at Graven Games.

Whoa! (Necron Apocalypse thingie)

Wow. That's pretty cool. So along with this and the Khorne Wheelchair thing, I guess we are headed straight into a summer of overpriced Apocalypse models. If the Wraithknight is $115.00, what would these be? Are we entering a new price tier? $150? $200?As usual, I'm...