by Zero | Jun 27, 2013
I saw this morning on Apocalypse 40k that Chapterhouse, on the heels of the relatively advantageous (to them) court decision has initiated a Kickstarter for army-specific defense walls. It's a clever idea for those who don't relish aquilas on their Eldar, Tau,...
by Zero | Jun 24, 2013
Remember these little guys?These little demispheres were in stock for a few seconds on the GW site. They are selling for FORTY USD DOLLARS on Ebay. I'm all for convenience, but that's simply ridiculous.So I looked around on the web for scratchbuilt solutions. There...
by Zero | Jun 20, 2013
So I was perusing the 2013 Forgeworld print catalogue when I noticed a something:Anything seem off to you?I flipped to the Manta and just pined. I love this model. It would easily fit in any manga/anime universe, and it's easy to see why the Imperium would fear and...
by Zero | Jun 18, 2013
Andy Hicks has posted a step by step of an amazing Eldar scratchbuild. It's the Pegasus super heavy.It's enormous. Check it out at Graven Games.
by Zero | Jun 2, 2013
Wow. That's pretty cool. So along with this and the Khorne Wheelchair thing, I guess we are headed straight into a summer of overpriced Apocalypse models. If the Wraithknight is $115.00, what would these be? Are we entering a new price tier? $150? $200?As usual, I'm...