Games Workshop Punishes Their Vendors for Being Naughty

This one absolutely blew my mind, and I didn't realize this happened. I've been a defender of GW's free market tactics from the beginning. I've always been of the mind that they work for their shareholders, not their customers. Other companies actually use good public...

Epic Contest Results and Pocket 40k

NopeSo I had a "little" contest (heh heh) to give away a slew of tiny epic marines and Land Raiders. Now, A little background about my giveaways:My first giveaway was a Zoanthrope and a Lictor in response to a Razorback I won in the Super Blog Chain Giveaway. It went...

Phenomenal Baneblade/Warhound

This is an interesting thing...something that blew me away. I saw it on Apocalypse 40k, but it has a long provenance prior to that.More than meets the eye.It's a lovely Baneblade, but check this out:  Yep, it transforms into a Warhound. incredible.

The gentle hammer, or GW and their C&Ds.

So as you know, GW and the community have suddenly hit this crazy perfect storm of conflict. People are suing each other, DCMA notices are flying around, and GW is seriously locking down their intellectual property. I would put links to the Chapterhouse thing, but if...

Hive Zero Epic Giveaway!

This is the dumbest graphic I've ever created.So in "honor" of Games Workshop discontinuing all of their Specialist Games, I've decided to pack it in and give away my small collection of Epic-scale Space Marines. [READ ON]One of the Land Raiders is upside down. Sue me...