Troops Choice thought exercise 2

 Do take a look at this picture, count the iggies...I have blogged about this before, but there is room in the game, IMHO, for alternate configurations for Iggies.  The obvious one of these is based on what you can wring out of the system in DoW.  So...

DKK vehicle fleet

 Regular readers will recall that there are two units of DKK represented in my collection; the Blue Krieg, who are exclusively infanteers with some field artillery support and the cunningly named Brown Krieg, who for me have always represented a portion of the...

DKK Vehicle Fleet WIP Update

All the same stuffAs you can seeNow with brown added to the camoflauge pattern.  On the MachariusAnd the GriffinsAnd the ChimeraeI do love these Chimerae. And the Fuchs.  Interesting that the Army Painter DunkelGreb (the kakhi base colour for the camoflauge)...

Troops Choice thought excersize 1

So take a look at the table there.  163 wounds, all up.  I thought to myself, I'll do a single maximum sized platoon with the Camo Guard and see where I get.  Let's see: There's a Commissar, part of the Troops choice entry from the army list. One. ...