Well, that’s awkward.

 So this blog is intended to catalogue the Imperium's response to rebellion on Devos IV.  Making planetfall, campaigning across the prarie and the investiture (as in seige) of the pillgrimage city that is the seat of the rebellion.  So I've been...

Fighting the long war

Admiral Drax popped up for a couple of days.  So bacon rolls ahoy !....  So we did a load of progressing of things which have been hanging around.   So isenkarn wheeled APCs (we did two of these), a revell 1/35 lynx (a much more complex model than any...

Helghans finished

Just in case you didn't know about them, the Helghans are the victims in the FPS KillZone games, where their entire ethnicity is forced into extreme collectivism by the cruel and inhuman treatment meted out by the Interplanetary Strategic Alliance. Anyway, this is my...