Critical Threat – Khan the Betrayer

Khan was identified by savants of the Ordos Dintera Minor from witness statements of the Umbrella Factory attack Khan led over twenty adherents of Khorne (cf "Khornate Berserkers") into the resting 1st battalion of the 1293 Hrossy Yeomanry as they pushed into the...

Major General Psikilla Radukar, Cheif of Staff, 3422 Army Group

Former commander of 2 Div, before that commander of one its Itzakhi Drop Troop regiments. Selected by the Regent General for her Steely Resolve and his appreciation of her ability to keep her mouth shut until she had something to say. Excellent organisational ability...

Agents of the Inquistition 10

Survivors of a Dark Eldar reaping, these ladies were infants when their community was ravaged.  Their brothers were committed to Scholam which fed recruits directly into the Departmento Munitorium, for induction into the Imperial Guard; occasionally, depending on...

Agents of the Inquisition 9

Not Imperial Guard, but personal retainers, hereditary soldiers of one specific dynasty. Do not mistake their Askarii status for any lack of professionalism.  These men, the sons and grandsons, cousins and so for many generations, have honed their craft to a fine...


 One of the more obvious consequences of recent political decisions taken here in recent years is the invalidation of the peace process in Norn Iron.No matter that the GFA and the peace process were imperfect, nonetheless we have had a much less tense existence...