Inside the city under siege

  Amongst those left in Xphonica once the city is encircled by the invaders from outer space, are those who were amongst the irregular groupings who supported and supplied muscle for the revolution.This includes Slanneshi aligned cultists.  They...

There is a place for Physical Comdey on Devos IV

 But the appearance of a Masque would be more than an excuse for a bit of slapstick.It's an indication that the Eldar as a whole think there is something going on here which requires intervention.  So they are sort of tumbling, leaping and froliking litmus...

OC G Coy 262 Line Infantry Regt

262 Line Infantry Regt are a part of 902 Div XVII Korps 72AG.  G Coy have been reserved by Col Cmdt Welbahn as a part of his ready reserve.  Major Karim leads G Coy and has brought with him a troop of heavy mortars and a troop of Quad...