Deploying to the Xyphonica Campaign

 As 72nd Army Group moved out of Fort Nuttar and pushed westwards to their start line for Operation Dragonfire, so the Imperial Navy began off loading 3422nd Army Group at the landing fields established to the west of Fort Nuttar. The KCC were landed first,...

ASL 22nd Pz Abt

STuG Zug in front of the PzGdr FS & AT Zug4 Pz Kompanie, 6 Hvy Pz Kompanie behind7th Mordian Iron Guard plt & Pheaton pattern WolverinesRegt Cmd post.  a troop of Hvy Pz in frontCO's Stormsword3 troop of 4 Pz KompanieSTuG Zug Sacramento pattern...

The reoccupation of Valeri Pesh

The Remit's Maw campaign on Jornath saw the KCC and it's allied Imperial Guard units give ground, some of what was given up would need to be recovered.  The Valeri Pesh promethium complex, refinaries, storage, pumping stations for transcontinential pipelines and...