by Zzzzzz | Apr 7, 2020
Whatcha gonna do ?Whatcha gonna do ?Whatcha gonna do when they come for you ?Bob Marley, Bad Boys Officially an Adeptus Arbities SWAT team, these are Inquisitorial Storm Troopers re-badged to be less threatening, less official looking and/or less high profile than...
by Zzzzzz | Apr 3, 2020
Some people might have wondered what Solomon Lok did before he was eaten by 'Nids. He was a member of the Conclave of Dinterra Minor. His membership is signified by the black hood he wears. Although formally an Inquisitor of the Ordo Xenos, rather...
by Zzzzzz | Mar 30, 2020
Dineh Nolly Chee has a reputation as a dangerous character, a ferocious fighter in the bandlands. He is a large and physically impressive. He is fast and experienced. Life out here is harsh and he knows well the price of wavering, hesitating or displaying...
by Zzzzzz | Mar 29, 2020
Hisphurtiup of Bell is a direct male line descendant of the last hereditary ruler of San Cantor hive, hence the remains of the red robes of office, of which Hissy is perhaps unduly proud. He can recite the names of the 14 generations of his ancestors back to the...
by Zzzzzz | Mar 27, 2020
Xi is an enigmatic wander of the northern badlands. Xi speaks through the electronic box of tricks included as a part of that re-breather unit. The net result of this is that everyone assumes that Xi is male. No one every remembers seeing Xi without...