87th Motor Rifle Regiment.

Uizawa is populated world within the hegemony of Hydrapour; there are four regions. Sukhumvit, around one of the magnetic poles, is the most populous, with over a dozen hive cities.  Sleve McDiachal was an officer in the PDF; he had progressed from the ranks...

Regimental Command cell 540th (Valhalla) Kado Regiment.

These were assembled and painted for me by Col Scipio, so hopefully this post will pass for an expression of my sincere thanks for his hard work and dedication.   Those of you who have enjoyed Ciphas Kane and his exploits will recognise the figures here,...

Hades ‘salt drill

The business end of a modern drilling unit.  This DKK one has a multimelta on a spar in the gap.  IRL ones do not have this.  Yet. In our mundane world, what tends to happen with things like this at the end of the project is that despite the...