Mortian "King Russ" MBT

If you're a long term reader of this blog, then you're probably aware of the Mortian MBT, which was made by a German craftsman (Heavy Support) some years ago.  He was a model maker and indeed, I believe had made vehicle kits for GWHe stopped doing them a few...

Wither the Eldar ? 500 words.

Naylor - by Pirate Viking PaintingSix figures moved slowly but noiselessly trough the ruins of the city.  It had been comprehensively bombed for four years before being shelled for a month before the failed infantry assault.  Parvell district had been silent...

Actual tracking of the project.

It's towards the end of Q1/2018 so lets see what progress has been made:  I've deleted the lines where things were already declared 'done' at the end of 2017.Mad max post apoc scavviesPost apoc war rig DKK Engr, golliaths, Hades Drill     ...

Actual Thunderers

So these are the last of the 'moments of weakness' acquisitions from the DKK facebook page.  The vendor was floggin' 'em cheap as he was pretty sure that they were knock offs.Now I've held forth before on why we have a moral duty to buy original products from...

Wip STuG Zug

That unpainted line on the tarp roll needs addressing.  And the ammo boxes need some ammo box transfers, fortunately I have some, I just have to find them.Dust is ok, but still loose and needs sealing in.  The panther markings are good, before the numbers...