
There wasn't a lot of room left on the BoS.  The clean up was overdue.  Fortunately there is lot of slate in the garden to do the scraping with.  

2nd line medicae

Ah, These then are the medical staff at the field hospitals.  These would be members of the Departmento Munitorium's medicae branch, not members of the Imperial Guard.  Which would seem to fit with the general way they seem to operate, with distinct...

Hrossy Commandant General

Colonel Nevets (Doggel Tymm Nevets to his mum) was the Chief of Staff of 256 Imperial Guard Battle Group on Shimmergee II when the Imperium evacuated "all" of the Astra Millitarium assets prior to exterminatus.  The former commander of BG256, along with all of...

Cadian 466th Armd Fd Ambulance.

Now I'm sure a lot of you remember Col Corbane's excellent medical conversions who must have been a great comfort to the Corbanian 1st (Urban Assault) Regt.  Seen here supporting the extremely costly assault on the Cudlip Lines.  Always a joy to...

Jornathi Regent General

Of course you'll all remember the explanation of what the KCC are doing on Devos IV.   And you'll have seen who actually did the brush work on him. The Regent General is effectively the deputy Plenipotentary for War; in his role on Devos IV, Gen...