Not Work in Progress.

After a quick whiz around the garage, here is the to do list.  A lot of this is started, a lot more isn't.  And of course, this isn't a definitive list.  Where there is something already done, it's noted in green.Mad max post apoc scavviesPost apoc war...

Work in progress

Whilst its nice to look at stuff already done, I'd not want you to think that I'm resting on my laurels.  No Siree, the long hobby war continues.  You've seen some of these summer uniform DKK before - from an lot of 2nd hand DKK who needed so much work that...

That all important Elite slot

I've no idea if that's even a thing in 8ed.  But here are some interesting people for you to meet: The shotgun toting veteran squad from the Saranian 5th, two plasma guns and a flamer.  The plasma pistol packing Feldwebel Joslonig also has a shotgun on...

The full parade

Flufftastically, what you are looking at here is the command detachment of 902 Div (XVII Korps) including an armoured squadron and mechanised company of DKK 19 Armd Regt, a company from 262 Line Regt, An armoured squadron from 22 ASL, a company from the Valhallan...

Even more reasons to squander your cash.

Just in case you hadn't seen this yet.  Not cheap - $60 for the kit, but that's all three variants and funky new vibe for your favourite MBT.Availble from here:  leaderratss-battle-tank