
Now Legoland has a Starwars hall.  We went with a handy handy nephew in 2013 and had a good look around, good job too as two little girls are not too interested in a film franchise which they are actually too young to appreciate. So, and if Courtney reads this,...

Do you play Malifaux or Warmahordes ?

And want those round lipped bases ?I've got a bag with 1x 60mm, 3x 40mm and 96(ish)x single mini bases.  No2 daughter counted them, which is why the final totals should be taken with a pinch of salt.They're left overs from all of the imports into Devos IV over...

STuG progress.

As promised, views of the two options next to the BoS on a rainy bank holiday weekend.  I do like it when the weather behaves itself. You can clearly discern the chunky and realistic options.  I had undertaken to show you the options and here they are....

Mastercrafted STuG

Ok,  So some while ago Sir Tainly posted an additional vehicle for his Blood Pact.  And pretty soon there was a small cabal; Mordian 7th, Da Masta Cheef and me, all beating on the door of; incidentally the very same company who produce...

Imperial Guard Infantry Support Options

OK, With 8th just around the corner, I thought I'd disambiguate the existing options vs their points cost to decide which is best.What ?  Nah.  Back to reality:The support options for Iggies are based on the two available chassis: because of the development...