Attacking The Pile Of Shame Pt13: Finished Second Ghost Squad

The Imperial Guard continue to grow.Now Gaunt and his command coterie have two squads of troops to command even if they will follow standard IG rules rather than be 'Ghosts'.Due to onset of old age, I realised that the first squad's missile launcher was mounted on a...

Attacking The Pile Of Shame Pt11: More Ghosts Arrive By Stealth

Back to building again and it's a second squad for Ghosts prepped.These ones use parts from the Cadian upgrade frame as well as Stargrave heads for some variety.My favourite upgrade has to be the Lovat hat head.  Some WWII/ current Royal Marine trainee Commando...

Martian Bases using Martian Ironearth and Ironcrust

Approximate Reading Time: < 1 I have started my Iron Warriors Horus Heresy army, and the first thing to nail is the basing; I also find it very fun, so I had a blast doing these Martian Bases. Martian Rocks The rocks are from my garden, painted with Tuskgor Fur...